Artificial Intelligence

The hype surrounding large-language models such as CHatGPT has put the topic of artificial intelligence back at the top of the agenda.

The use of data, algorithms and AI-supported solutions promises enormous potential in all conceivable business areas and processes and, at a higher level, companies expect the investments to increase their own quality, efficiency or speed - in some cases even completely new products and services.

At the same time, investing in AI and analytics is difficult and costly. With so many options, approaches and solutions, it is not easy to find the right way to achieve a sustainable increase in value.

We support IT management to

  • better understand the new technologies in the field of AI and analytics and prepare them in a way that is appropriate for the target group
  • derive concrete, measurable IT initiatives from abstract, overarching corporate goals
  • formulate basic strategic guidelines (in the field of AI/analytics) for the IT department
  • identify interesting and relevant use cases for the use of AI/analytics
  • filter out suitable solutions from the mass of offers on the market
  • develop measures to make newly introduced solutions known and successful within the company

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